Rich and Carrie in New York
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
  Carrie's Birthday fun
Last week was Carrie's birthday - and the mail was backing up behind the door for weeks beforehand! Thanks to everyone back home who sent presents, she really appreciated your thoughts... Here are some pictures of the frenzy that was the opening session...

The next day was also Cathy's birthday (Cathy is Carrie's friend from work) so we all went out bowling and then for a Japanese meal. Hence the sitting on the floor.
Check out the bowling action on the guy with the blue shirt a strike if ever I saw one.....
Cathy is the one in the orange, her fella is Sascha (with glasses), Ralf (blonde hair) and Lauren in black.
Follow the adventures of Rich and Carrie as we move from the UK to the US.....

My Photo
Location: New York, United States

This is not the best pic of us both, but until we find a better one, it'll do. We were in Moscow, thats why it looks cold, and we couldn't find anyone to take a picture for us. We'll be adding to this blog as we (try and) set ourselves up for a couple of years in Manhattan.

August 2005 / September 2005 / October 2005 / November 2005 / December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / March 2006 / May 2006 / July 2006 / August 2006 /

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