Rich and Carrie in New York
Monday, May 08, 2006
  David 'Illusionist' Blaine

db 010
Originally uploaded by Rich Hughes.
Went to see David Blaine at the Lincoln Centre this afternoon, just because its only a short walk from our place. He was still in his bubble thing waving at the public. There wasn't enough cheeseburger lobbing in my opinion, it was all very civilised. He does his drowning thing tomorrow night so we'll see how that goes.
Sat in Central Park and read the paper for a bit, until the hayfever hit and my right eye swelled up like i'd had a few rounds in the ring. So we came home quick smart and I spent the rest of the afternoon with a cold flannel on my eyes! Not a very good Sunday afternoon.
Redeemed by the film we saw this evening , "The Proposition" written by Nick Cave. Really good film, beautiful Australian scenery, go see if you get the chance. ta ta for now.
Monday, May 01, 2006
  Conferencing in San Francisco
In March Carrie had to attend a work-related conference. Luckily, the conference was in San Francisco, so after presenting my work, some work friends and I hired a car, drove across the Golden Gate bridge and visited the giant redwood trees at Muir Woods.

  We Braved it to the Bronx
On a sunny day at the beginning of March We decided to head to the New York Botanical Gardens in the Bronx with friends Cathy and Sascha. Although there weren't any flowers out in the grounds, the weather was lovely and the orchid show was amazing.

Follow the adventures of Rich and Carrie as we move from the UK to the US.....

My Photo
Location: New York, United States

This is not the best pic of us both, but until we find a better one, it'll do. We were in Moscow, thats why it looks cold, and we couldn't find anyone to take a picture for us. We'll be adding to this blog as we (try and) set ourselves up for a couple of years in Manhattan.

August 2005 / September 2005 / October 2005 / November 2005 / December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / March 2006 / May 2006 / July 2006 / August 2006 /

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