Rich and Carrie in New York
Sunday, October 16, 2005
  Baby Henry
Baby Henry is now 5 months old and we've yet to meet him. However this week we booked tickets to spend thanksgiving weekend with Rob, Sarah and Henry in San Diego. Here are some up-to-date pictures of him in some of the gear we sent him.

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Follow the adventures of Rich and Carrie as we move from the UK to the US.....

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Location: New York, United States

This is not the best pic of us both, but until we find a better one, it'll do. We were in Moscow, thats why it looks cold, and we couldn't find anyone to take a picture for us. We'll be adding to this blog as we (try and) set ourselves up for a couple of years in Manhattan.

August 2005 / September 2005 / October 2005 / November 2005 / December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / March 2006 / May 2006 / July 2006 / August 2006 /

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